Lab Automation

One key commercial focus area in the updated strategy is enabling end-to-end lab automation. In addition, BICO has introduced a new business area structure where Lab Automation has been introduced.

Lab Automation is here to stay so why not explore what it is all about?

Lab Automation is defined as the use of technology and automated systems to streamline and optimize laboratory processes, reducing manual intervention, improving efficiency, accuracy, and productivity.


Through our business area Lab Automation and primarily through our operating company Biosero, we offer software key to the integration of automation technologies plus consulting and engineering services to design, build, and install automated laboratory systems at any scale. Biosero’s Green Button Go® is a hardware-agnostic software which connects scheduled workflows into lab-wide, orchestrated solutions.


It makes labs safer, and it can support the sustainability initiatives. When physical and digital automation are combined, the productivity of research increases significantly.

The Problem

Discovering drugs, cures, therapies, and diagnostics takes longer and costs more than it should.

The Solution

Accelerating scientific research through automation powered by Green Button Go®.

Three Trends in Lab Automation


Lab automation is needed closer to the patient

and in more regulated environments.


Labs are more open to buying a strong off-the-shelf solution than ever before

because of pressures in their own businesses.


The democraphics in lab automation are evolving

into a more diverse field.