
Automated sorting and isolation of single spheroids and organoids.
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Revolutionizing 3D Cellular Models Handling

A game-changer in drug screening and other applications where standard 3D models will gradually replace traditional animal models.

spheroONE is an innovative single large-particle sorter and dispenser which revolutionizes 3D cellular models handling. Using precision dispensing technology together with advanced image-based sorting capabilities, spheroONE is the perfect platform for the selection and isolation of single spheroids, organoids and tumoroids.

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Physiologically Relevant 3D models

Allows customers to leverage complex in vitro 3D models that are more physiologically relevant, predictive and have the potential to complement and in some cases even replace animal models in drug screening and other applications like cancer research.

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Accurate Automated Isolation

Enabling accurate automated isolation and handling of cellular aggregates from 50 µm to 600 µm including spheroids, organoids, and tumoroids.

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Tailored Dispensing Technology
Gentle and fast actuated electromagnetic microvalve dispensing. Smart image-based, multi-parameter detection and sorting.

Challenges of Spheroid and Organoid Isolation

Complex In-Vitro 3D models have gained significant interest in many research areas such as regenerative medicine, drug discovery, toxicity testing and cancer research. Due to their inherent clinical relevance, such 3D models like spheroids and organoids are becoming increasingly important but solutions to manipulate and isolate them aren’t widely available yet. To yield reproducible assays, the ability to pre-select spheroids based on their size, morphology and internal organization is critical.

spheroONE allows easier use of complex in vitro 3D models that are more physiologically relevant, predictive and have the potential to complement and in some cases even replace animal models.

Click to see the system in action

Experts in Single Cell Isolation

Providing high precision technologies to better understand and master cell biology.

As a part of the BICO family, Cellenion is working alongside with other companies within the group in engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence, advanced genomics and bioprinting, leveraging the power of Bio-convergence to unlock synergies and offer products that accelerate research and create the future of health.