Learn about the companies within BICO and what they do to strive towards our vision – enable and automate the life science lab of the future.
BICO is operating through our three business areas – Lab Automation, Life Science Solutions, and Bioprinting. Together, we strive towards the vision to enable and automate the life science lab of the future. Below, you can read more about our operating companies:
Lab Automation
Biosero is a San Diego based company, with 100 employees globally and founded in 2003. The company offers software solutions, under the umbrella of Green Button Go, and services which enable seamless laboratory automation for connected and smart workflows.
Life Science Solutions
By releasing the first universal bioink in 2016, CELLINK democratized the cost of entry for researchers around the world and played a major role in turning the then up-and-coming field of 3D bioprinting into the thriving $1 billion industry it is today. CELLINKs bioinks, bioprinters, software and services have enabled critical breakthroughs in a wide range of applications from 3D cell culturing to tissue engineering to drug development.
The world leader of reliable in vitro human tissue model innovation. MatTeks skin, ocular, oral, respiratory, and intestinal tissue models are used to assess safety and efficacy throughout the cosmetics, chemical, pharmaceutical, and household product industries. These advanced tissue models empower companies to achieve their goals of non-animal testing while lowering testing costs and providing human-relevant results.