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Our Planet

Our Planet is about environmental factors, the choice of renewable energy sources and, over time, reaching climate neutrality. While scaling up our operations, processes, and business we have a focus on minimizing our carbon footprint. BICO strives to conduct its business within the planetary boundaries and hence contribute to reaching the targets within the Paris Agreement.
Climate Perspective
During 2021 we have started to measure our scope 1 and 2 emissions to gain increased transparency of the climate impact from our operations, to find areas of improvement. Based on the results we will during 2022 develop climate targets and a Climate Action Plan that will clearly state what measures BICO must take to reach the targets. The targets and the roadmap will initially include emissions from our own operations. Regarding scope 3, we do not yet have a structure to measure those emissions. We are planning on setting an agenda to enable extensive scope 3 calculations. 2021 is the base year for calculating our greenhouse gas emissions. We will review the data as presented and set initiatives for our Climate Action Plan, which will be initiated during 2022.
If the data would change significantly in the coming years, we will ensure adaptation for the most significant emission sources based on the post pandemic results. The carbon emissions for the Group (scope 1-2) amounted to 284 tons during 2021. This, however, does not include all aspects of the group (29 percent of the Group have reported). Some parts of the Group were unable to track or include data for some or several aspects which will affect the result. This is due to the fact that they have been acquired late in the year or that they are currently lacking processes for tracking the data. The goal is for all companies within the Group to be included in the reporting, starting next year.
Waste & Material Usage
With our focus on quality, we have always been striving to reduce waste and excess consumption alongside our production chains. We are working towards more standardized processes where we reduce numbers of products to not generate unnecessary consumption along our operations. For instance, by consolidating supply for products within and between companies. These efforts have resulted in a high focus on efficient use of materials throughout the Group. By our continuous focus on quality and product efficiency, we will decrease the number of components in our products, reduce the number of service trips and shipping and the number of returned products over time.
Through several of our products, for intance I.DOT or C.WASH, we make it possible for our customers, in turn, to reduce their usage of plastic. Through an efficient use of consumables through the whole process, the customer could save up to three times the amount of plastics. Further, we strive to reduce water consumption where possible. Some of BICO’s Group companies have been identified as water intense in their production. Going forward they will review their current processes and ensure that the operations run in the most sustainable way. In the long run it is deemed as prioritized to screen for substitutional ways for production.
Processes on measuring usage and emissions from waste and materials will be further formalized as part of the Climate Action Plan and details will be communicated when these processes are in place.
Energy Usage
We strive towards reducing our energy usage to the highest extent possible. In several of our offices and production facilities we are already working with motion sensors to ensure that lights are only on when necessary. We are also trying to design our products in a way that will decrease the amount of energy they need while being used. BICO encourage the Group companies to switch to renewable energy sources where it is possible. For 2021, the Group sourced 21 percent of its energy consumption for renewable sources (based on the 26 percent of the Group that reported on this indicator). The aim is to increase this share.
Initiatives for 2022

During 2021 we conducted our first ever corporate-wide employee engagement survey. All BICO Group companies’
employees were offered the chance to partake in an anonymous survey and the response rate for the whole Group was 68 percent. The result of the survey shows that BICO Group offers autonomy, a great team spirit and a clear agenda for our employees and that 68 percent of the employees feel engaged in their role and for the company. The results of the employee engagement survey will spur the agenda and focus for 2022.