Our Offering
1. R&D
Products not meeting the objectives and requirements in terms of control and safety.
Failing to cope with the transition to the targets set in the sustainability agenda, to use 100% renewable energy by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2040.
Risk management
Continuously analyze and improve product efficiency to reduce the number of components in our products.
Continue to work with strategic partners.
2. Purchasing
Lack of assurance that suppliers support and meet our quality and safety standards and our human rights and anti-corruption requirements.
Risk management
Continue the implementation of our internal Code of Conduct in the standard agreements for all Group companies.
Ensure that all third parties have knowledge and access to the whistleblowing system and encouragement to report all irregularities.
3. Manufacturing
Risk management
Continue to educate new employees in the Code of Conduct and policies such as the Global Policy.
4. Sales
With our focus to offer products within all fields of the next generation Tissue Engineering, Cell Line Development, Multiomics and Diagnostics, we continue to develop our product offering.